Considering the fact that so many kids could realistically answer “what the fuck is juice,” why don’t we just start banning all drinks that aren’t coffee, tea, and water? Oh wait, we banned bottled water (because you know, poor people can’t like sparkling). Because poor people have always been poor, and have never known otherwise, and they’ve never had nice things, like water that bubbles. And poor people don’t need to exercise choices over what food they eat and what food they prefer because poor people aren’t allowed to have preferences. We aren’t allowed to access nice things.

If You Haven’t Been On Food Stamps, Stop Trying to Influence Government Policy | Racialicious

I am quoting a tiny, tiny portion of a piece that says everything I’ve been trying to write about ever since I started this blog: food politics, poverty, how and what people eat (and how we have no business policing it), etc. etc.

Only that, since this is written by Latoya Peterson, it is better articulated than I ever could.

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