Describing further as to why he was a Catholic hero, the newspaper, which is seen by the Pope before going to press said Tintin was almost an angel saying:’…he seems to have come to earth to defend widows and orphans.

Hilarious news of the day: Vatican calls Tintin a ‘Catholic hero’ and ridicules suggestions he may be racist

Considering the Catholic Church’s official stance towards women and the way the Church managed the pedophilia cases against children, many of them orphans in Catholic ran institutions, I am unsure this is is as flattering as the Church might believe it to be.

From the article:

The Vatican has dubbed comic book character turned silver screen action hero Tintin a ‘Catholic hero’ and ridiculed suggestions he may be racist.

In its official newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican published a picture of the children’s hero beneath one of Pope Benedict XVI and then carried a double page article inside praising Tintin and his faithful dog Snowy. L’Osservatore said that accusing the fearless journalist of racism was the ‘imagining of an integralist political correctness’

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