Difference is a blessing, not a challenge. We define ourselves by knowing other people. We know our world by learning about difference. What is the word we often use? Tolerance. Is that a positive notion? Not really. ‘For the time being, I will tolerate you?’ I’m against that concept. It means difference is a threat. Difference is a blessing and you don’t tolerate a blessing. You embrace it.

Mohammad Mahallati, presidential scholar in Islamic studies at Oberlin College. This quote comes from a Conference on World Affairs panel about Practicing Religion in a Pluralistic Society. (via lulamaegolightly)

I deeply, and I mean, deeply dislike the concept of “tolerance” when proposed within the framework of social constructions. Almost always the ones preaching this “tolerance” are members of the dominant culture. And in Europe, it has been made to be synonym of a certain kind of patronizing and racist stance towards minorities.

Politicians say “We need to be more tolerant!” and the well intentioned by not very analytical masses nod. Fuck that! I don’t want to be “tolerated”! We tolerate tooth pains, the flu, the music from our neighbor’s late party. We should not be placed in the same category as minor nuisances that must be stoically endured.

Sorry, but I want to be embraced and accepted; I want my individuality and cultural background to be accepted and regarded with the same respect afforded to the dominant culture. Keep your “tolerance”; because I demand equality.

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