Entrepreneurs embody the promise of America: the belief that if you have a good idea and are willing to work hard and see it through, you can succeed in this country,” Obama said at the White House. “And in fulfilling this promise, entrepreneurs also play a critical role in expanding our economy and creating jobs. That’s why we’re launching Startup America, a national campaign to help win the future by knocking down barriers in the path of men and women in every corner of this country hoping to take a chance, follow a dream and start a business.

Scratch Your Itch to Start a Business

This new Startup America plan sounds great, but only on paper. Starting a business can be extremely hard, not to mention it requires capital (both social and financial), plus, for many people, it would require sacrifices that are not possible (like entirely giving up on health care coverage which can be prohibitively expensive for individual business owners).

Why not hold the existing corporations to proper ethical standards instead of promoting that individuals (who might not even have the means) get into entrepreneurship? I am sure those with the resources and drive have already done it. And for the rest, it could be a slow downhill path to bankruptcy or worse.

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