Everywhere on the internet

Be it Jezebel, The Atlantic, The Atlantic Wire, etc, where the racist tweets from the writer of the HBO show “Girls” are discussed, without failure, the conversation derails into people saying “BUT I LOVE THE SHOW!”. How can people miss the point so, so much? It’s no longer about the show. Well, it is only tangentially about the show at this point. It’s more about the mentality that drives the show and the words, rhetoric and ideologies supported and disseminated by one of their main writers.

Is it me? Is it so difficult to analyze and critique a system of racism that perpetuates ideas and the people behind this perpetuation who also have the power to continue this never ending cycle? Is there no longer a way we can vehemently resist this without being told “BUT I LIKE THE SHOW!”? It seems that liking a pop culture manifestation like a TV show is now more important than people being treated with decency and not being subjected to insulting Tweets by the maker of the show in question. Priorities. Who knew, eh?

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