Following up on my post about the newly announced Fox Hispanic Media, I got hold of their future program schedule.

Their new reality show “Jump the fence” will feature randomly selected (people that vaguely look like) Hispanos and Latinos who will be forced to cross the border back to Mexico. The winner will be awarded air kisses from Ann Coulter through the fence.

The “Tijuana Shore” will be yet another reality show where young Latinos and Latinas are “safely” invited to move to Tijuana and party like there is no tomorrow. Once they are comfortable in their new surroundings, the Fox Hispanic Media production crew surreptitiously abandons the filming location leaving the participants behind, never to be heard of again.

“Raising Arizona” will be a remake of the Coen Brothers film but, in a twist of plot, all the characters are Hispanics who are “invited” to move to Arizona where Sheriff Arpaio is their gracious host. Hilarity (does not) ensue but Fox viewers cheer as every character disappears without further explanations as to their whereabouts.

Also, a regular schedule of English language lessons will be included, only the viewers will be repeatedly told “they shouldn’t bother learning the language because they shouldn’t be in the US in the first place”.

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