For my American readers/ followers: Colorlines Keynote Contest

I know I am followed by several (in fact, many) American students, so this might be of interest to you. via The Campus Progress 2011 National Conference: National Keynote Contest:

Despite what some may say, young people know that race and racism aren’t things of the past. But it can also be difficult to rise above the bogus “post-racial” concept pushed by the media, in which ”racism” is always interpersonal and never systemic, and in which any mere mention of race makes someone a ”racist.”

So, grab a video camera, cell phone, laptop, or your technology of choice and shoot a short video that answers the question:

In your own life, how are you changing the rules of our race conversation, and creating real solutions for racial and social justice?

Submit it by 12 am EST on Sunday, May 22*, and you could win a free trip to Washington, DC, to attend the Campus Progress National Conference and address attendees from a stage previously graced by Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, The Daily Show’s John Oliver, Van Jones, Samantha Power, Ryan Gosling, and many others.

Last year’s winners were an undocumented student activist, a young man once caught up in gang violence who now advocates for peace, and a first-generation college student working to bring young people to the table in discussions about policies that impact their lives.

Think you have what it takes? Check out the FAQ about the contest and read the official rules to make sure you qualify.

From the rules: applicants do not need to be students but they do need to be between 18 and 30 years old.

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