golden-notebook replied to your postEveryone’s discussing Sherlock’s fake death.  I…

gun is real but he used a sophisticated sound system to sync with bullet, fake blood?

We don’t know for sure that the gun is real. I mean, this guy has been portrayed as an expert in faking stuff that is taken as undisputable (and at face value to boot). I wouldn’t discount a convoluted fake gun (yeah, I know… wishful thinking).

lunaste replied to your post: Everyone’s discussing Sherlock’s fake death.  I…

My boyfriend would bet his life on Moriarty still being alive. I hope with great hope that he somehow faked it too, though two fake-out deaths?

The fact that they emphasize so much how they are alike (i.e. “You are me”, etc.) gives me hope that two people who are so similar might come up with similar tactics (both faking their deaths).

However, I am also painfully aware of the fact that I would like for all of the above to be true. Actors, salary negotiations, production costs, schedules, etc… all of these factors are much more realistic variables to take into consideration.

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