Growing season

Today I managed to secure a spot at the new community garden that was started in my neighborhood. So excited! I attended the meeting at the neighborhood center where we received the instructions (assignment of spaces, what we can grow, opening hours, tools, volunteering during the two “Open Days” when the gardens are open for the general public, etc.). And this is the first year that the project is expanded into the community as it was previously only a learning center for local students.

The demographics of those in attendance were interesting as I was one of the few young(er) people. Out of the 26 lots available, something like 20 are now managed by 65+ folks.

Now, of course, I am debating on what I want to grow. Keeping in mind that it’s a small lot (10 sqm/ 107 sqft), I have to maximize space use. Although the good thing is that the lot is mine to run until mid-October (it is indeed very difficult to do any outdoors gardening in The Netherlands after October, due to the rain season and overall dark weather). I would really love to have a couple of pumpkin plants but I am afraid they might crawl out of control and eat everything else in the lot. Also, several leafy greens for salads, maybe some herbs and beets.

Considering that since I live here I’ve only done my edible gardening in containers, all this planning proves to be quite challenging for me. Oh, and I am going to start a blog to document the experience. It will be in Dutch so that my neighbors can also see photos of their work, etc. Fear the bad grammar!

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