hague-nite replied to your post: How to close doors: language policing and the other

Such bullshit. Not that it matters, really, but were you all debating in Dutch? If so, which Dutch term did you use and which one did he use? Because I highly doubt one would be superior to the other.

Yes, it was all in Dutch. However, I had a temporarily lapse and I called it “mensen ‘trafficking’” and his answer was the usual “WAT ZEG JE?”, rolling eyes, etc. So, I clarified “Ik heb nu het word in het Nederlands vergeten” and that’s when he went on a 15 minute rant explaining how there is not such a thing as “trafficking”, that in Dutch it is “mensenhandel” and how I obviously didn’t know anything due to confusing the words. He also insisted that I clearly state my credentials to speak about the subject and that he knows a lot because he is in City Council and how he is so involved in Women’s rights, which, of course, I am not qualified to speak of, etc, etc..

This went on for a good 15 minutes, during which time, I swear I felt I was in a dream like state, telling myself “this is not happening, this guy is not talking to me like this”. I must admit I felt the “deer in the headlights” effect. I made an exit claiming I needed a smoke because I suspect he would have continue teaching me otherwise.

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