Hi there! I’m a HUGE fan of your blog and the way you’ve eloquently described privilege time and time again has really come to change the way I approach the idea myself. I was reading an article from one of my favourite papers back home and it really grinded my gears in a way that I haven’t been able to put my finger on. I was wondering if you could take a minute to look it over yourself. I think the way that it begins is really presumptuous, and in the end undermines the entire point of the article. The first comment in the comment section is also really awful for a whole different set of reasons, so if you could take a look at that I’d be much obliged. It’s been nibbling at my mind since Tuesday. Here’s a link to the article: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/relationships/sure-women-have-come-a-long-way-but-were-not-there-yet/article1940524/ Again, no pressure to read it, I was just curious. Keep on posting amazingly wonderful articles!!

I’ll definitely take a look at the article. I just gave it a cursory look, but I need to finish a couple of emails before I can dive into it some more.

Thank you so much for your kind words. Although in truth (and I swear not out of a faux sense of humility), there are better writers and people who are better equipped to deal with these issues than me. Generally speaking, I am clumsy, too emotional and not that good dealing with these topics. I have no academic credentials to analyze these issues. I am, first and foremost, a marketeer! And an activist. And to add another layer of inadequacy, English is not even my (supposedly) native language. Which is a whole other set of problems as I no longer feel I have a native language. I can hardly write in Spanish anymore (it takes me twice as long than it does when I write in English); I know all too well (mostly after the fact, when I re-read something I wrote) that I make some cringe inducing grammar and spelling mistakes. And more often than not, all my posts are written in a rush, without much after thought. My only goal, if I have one (which is another story) with this blog is to encourage a different way of thinking, of looking at things, of perceiving our surroundings, if you will. I know all too well nobody will completely change their minds from reading my (again) poorly articulated rants. But I sincerely hope that those who haven’t yet made up theirs, or completely considered a position yet, might be encouraged to do so from another perspective.

My world is like a prism. And depending on where you are standing, you will see a different facet of it. If I can, for a moment, encourage people to look at those facets that might not be apparent from where they are standing, then I consider these poor attempts at reaching out a success. Nobody has to agree with me, but I think we are all better people from exercising a fair amount of empathy.

And that’s all I wish for.

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