Hilarious “clash of ideologies”

I had a moment of real, out loud laughter this weekend. Somehow, I had managed to miss the fact that yesterday Noam Chomsky was giving a lecture here in Amsterdam. I mean, I am not part of Dutch academia and the political circles I frequent are not that much interested in the guy. However, Saturday night, an acquaintance messaged me to offer a ticket (the event was totally sold out, practically on the day the ticket sales had started). This is when I learned of the event.

Which took place in a consecrated church. That is, not a church “out of service”, repurposed for other cultural uses, but one where services are held every week. And it so happens that it is one of the most traditional churches in the city.

And the ticket that was originally sold for 5 Euros, was offered to me, in a moment of magnificent capitalist greed for 40.

I passed. My love for Chomsky’s ideas of anarcho syndicalism couldn’t deal with the cognitive dissonance involved.

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