Hurt ego, whatever

I never participate at Feministe discussions because it is a very unfriendly place. I just can’t contribute to a place where the moderation policy is based on the assumption that “all opinions are valid”. Because this is the policy that allowed commenters to make racist remarks about me on the basis that as, a South American, I cannot possibly be a good writer. You have a problem with the shit I write? Fine, whatever. However, when your opinion is based on my place of birth and ethnicity, I will just refuse to engage. Moderators allowed this and now, of course, I am incensed that one of the same site moderators who didn’t say a word about the racist remarks (moreover, she uncritically let me know that these comments were being made!) now stands behind Schwyzer as if he is the epitome of feminism.

I hate pile ons, I have written as much on numerous occasions and that’s why I am limiting my participation in this discussion. However, as if it was necessary, I thought I’d further clarify my position.

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