I’m too sexy for this village!

Hilarious moment of the day courtesy of no other than The Daily Mail, Samantha Brick on the downsides to looking pretty: ‘Why women hate me for being beautiful’. Since she is the one who opens up the discussion about her looks then I suppose it is fair to state the obvious: any day I walk downtown Amsterdam I come across women who look exponentially more beautiful than Ms. Brick. I mean, look at the profusion of photos in the article. Sure, she is a mildly attractive 40 something but not precisely the kind that would elicit the type of hatred she describes. Moreover, her attractiveness seems to be inextricably tied to her expensive clothes, well coiffed hair, etc. You know, the kind of “hotness” only money can buy. 

However, the article on its own is not as hilarious as when read vis a vis a previous one she wrote not long ago, I use my sex appeal to get ahead at work… and so does ANY woman with any sense. Here, she elaborates in great detail how she flirts and tries to seduce every guy that crosses her path to advance her career. Because obviously them bitches hate her for being beautiful, not because she acts like an entitled brat with no sense of boundaries or respect for others. No sir, it has to be that she is just too sexy for her own good.

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