In recent years Wilders has become something of a dabbler in U.S. politics, and he’s eager now to expand the market for Islamophobia. “I am working on an international kind of organization,” he told Newsweek. “The U.S. is so important to me, Europe is important. Canada—I was in Canada a few months ago. Australia. New Zealand.” His aim is to build an international organization, an “International Freedom Alliance,” as he calls it.

Geert Wilders Says There’s No Such Thing as Moderate Islam – The Daily Beast

In The Netherlands, we’ve been suffering this hateful, racist man for years already. Now it seems that he is about to embark in a new venture: Xenophobia, racism and White Supremacy on tour.

I am sincerely alarmed by the prospect of this possible “expansion” because he has been instrumental in the raise of hateful rhetoric all over the West. Moreover, he is seen by many as a sort of “leading” icon. 

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