It’s Friday and my Twitter patience is running out

I think I figured out why I do not really like Twitter (I don’t hate it, but I am certainly not very fond of it). It’s because it’s like a snapshot of human sense of entitlement. And when I say “human”, I mean, middle class (and above) because obviously, that’s the most abundant demographics on Twitter.

I mean, I just saw that a charity that follows me posted one of those automatically generated messages, which links to a compilation of links they put together. The title for this compilation? The Hydrocephalus Daily. I get it that they are devoted to charity and awareness but it sounds so shallow. So out of place. So trivializing.

And this was followed by a Tweet from another person, a devoted Christian (don’t ask me where I collect these followers, they find me, not the other way around), who was waxing lyrical because the taxi driver he just met in Nepal (where, needless to say, he is doing missionary work) congratulated him for being Christian and he, of course, had to praise the Lord for it. I doubt the taxi driver gave two fucks, he was probably just being polite. But missionary dude now believes this is some sort of sign.

And I read that scrolling through my timeline and think “Why? Why? Is this a snapshot of the peak of human intellect? The Hydrocephalus Daily (last week it was Brain Injury Daily)? A pasty white guy praising Jesus while trekking the heights of Nepal?”.

If anyone has any doubts about the source of my mild misanthropy, I’ll be happy to share the links of some of my Twitter followers*.

(Yes, I know I should unfollow these people, but the thought of being unnecessarily rude to people who are not doing anything specifically wrong just makes me anxious).

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