Keep the thread going with your thoughts, people!

Mother Jones magazine on Tumblr – For readers who took “just sayin’” as a diving-off…

Nice to see that they take well thought out criticism to heart and encourage more of it, right?

Oh, wait. This is the paragraph preceding that request to “keep the thread going”:

For readers who took “just sayin’” as a diving-off board to have a conversation about the whats, hows, and whys of this chart, thanks — that’s kind of what we were shooting for. For readers who immediately assumed we were making some narrow judgment statement about the poverty, class, or education of a corner of the country — in two words — well, thanks, too, for your comments, but rest assured that wasn’t our aim. It may surprise you to learn that we are from all over the nation (not just SF). And we’re proud of it.

What is it with renowned news outlets on Tumblr today? First Newsweak (typo, but it stays) trying to outdo The Daily What and now MJ throwing a fit because people called them on their poorly captioned post?

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