kohenari replied to your post: Philosophy Bites podcast goes feminist (sort of)

I’m pretty surprised that they chose MacKinnon and not someone a bit more “contemporary” for the podcast, to be honest. Seems like this episode of PB was about 15-20 years behind their others…

Heh, contemporary is a good word to define that hot mess. And yes, I am aware this episode is not representative of their general stances, although I will say this, in the UK (where this podcast is produced), there is currently a a very strong anti pornography and anti sex work stance in the most mainstream feminist circles. Interviewing MacKinnon is pretty much in line with these views. If you google the words “UK pornification” you will find article after article in mainstream media about this “phenomenon”. What I found surprising some time ago when I wrote about it (too lazy to search for the entry right now, sorry) was that Rupert Murdoch owned media was the one giving the most space to these feminists behind the campaigns. I found it, back then, to be an amusing moment of “unlikely allies” aligned behind a common enemy.

Moreover, Feminism in London, arguably the biggest feminist event in the UK had a whole “anti pornography” program, with many speakers and presentations (which I equate to a feminist equivalent of “moral panic”) devoted to the subject. Back then, when the program was announced, I even mentioned how that was the reason why I would not attend (or even consider attending). I already have enough patriarchal structures reminding me of the negativity of female sexuality to allow any kind of similar discourse, disguised as “for my own good” rhetoric, promoting a one sided and alienating view of pornography.

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