lemdi replied to your post: thedeeface replied to your post: Things that…

love the people who don’t know that more people than just sady post at TB. I wish the bylines were at the tops of articles rather than the bottom. I know I’ve made mistakes about posts’ authorship, but I try not to use one post to discredit others.

What? Didn’t you hear?! There is one collective known as Sady Doyle. And it totally has five different heads and posts under five different names. But we are all the same person! Totally! And we all share exactly the same ideas!

Honest? I cannot read that shit, obscene is the word I used and I stand by it. The way they allow their comment threads to run is dehumanizing, not to me, personally, but this is the style. And I am not going to concern myself with that kind of hatred and projected frustration.

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