Let’s beat on the dead horse some more: re the feminist blogosphere

Reading msavignon’s, federov’s, thehighshelf’s takes on the state of the feminist blogosphere, and because you know I am a woman of words (and HYPERBOLE! AND FULL OF OPINIONS!), there is another point I would like to add to their already poignant pieces.

Latoya Peterson’s post triggered some much needed soul searching and discussions. She exposed a phenomenon that we all knew about, albeit maybe not consciously, but perhaps tangentially, regarding who gets to sit at the table and who doesn’t, who gets the book deals and invitations, etc. As I said yesterday already, I loved the piece.

But now I am seeing a whole other set of posts (none of the ones I linked above) where she is being accused of being part of the system of oppression, of being too mainstream in detriment of other women of color. This is now like a gigantic shit puff pastry, where the moment you are done peeling a layer of foul, someone else will come and peel further to expose yet another putrid stratum.

Does it ever end?

And I am not asking because I think these conversations shouldn’t be happening, but because honestly, I am genuinely curious as to how the status quo can be changed. How do we stop reproducing these models and create more horizontal structures where people feel safe and empowered enough to have their say?

On a personal level these discussions have pushed me to the brink of a deep state of melancholy, as I evaluate my own failures, shortcomings and missed opportunities. But it doesn’t have to be so. I guess, if anything, we should emerge from the discussions stronger and more committed to change.

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