MIZJ is “the self-declared arbiter of all things racial and unjust on the Internet”??!



And those who know me, I only pull out the LOL on very, very special occasions. People, it’s easy to get mad at the details without reading the subtext. If Kimchee Brown really considered herself the ‘arbiter’, would so many people value her opinions and insights so much?

No, no they would not.

You know what is interesting and upsetting in the remark the anonymous person made (why do I suspect her moniker to be “triffling cow”, btw?)? It’s not the attack, which surely is unsavory but quite common on the internet, it’s the fact that one POC is pigeonholed into somehow being representative of every racial discussion, everywhere. This is a rather effective silencing tactic: I don’t have to listen to you because you are a self appointed authority (i.e. no authority at all because I haven’t given you such status).

Because you know, we need racist people’s permission to be the arbiters of anything. Our own experiences are never enough.

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