More about Nidera slavery charges

I first translated the original story, as it appeared in Argentinian press two weeks ago. During the past two weeks it has been the most viewed post in this blog. Today, it is all over the Dutch press. For a summary, in English, of what is being told in Dutch press, you can check this link. And yes, I am happy, because I want to think that all those emails I wrote and those people I annoyed in person (people with contacts in Dutch mainstream media, or members of the media themselves) helped to create awareness.

All these years Nidera has flown under the radar due to the fact that it is not a publicly traded company. Still, they should be held accountable for their actions, especially, when such actions carry accusations of slavery and exploitation. After all, as a Dutch taxpayer who is active in the sociopolitical scene of this country, they do owe me (and all of my country people) an explanation.

ETA: I just found out through a tip that GM Watch does credit me as the one to bring this story into the English speaking press. Eh… small victory (and yes, allow me to astroturf myself now and then, I do few things I am proud of; this is one of them)

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