msavignon replied to your post: As feminists

It may have to do w/ conditioning: if women aren’t nurturing and polite, they must competitive because there’s so few spots available (in life, everything). However, that’s not to say that people don’t say or do problematic stuff.

Absolutely! People can and do say shitty/ oppressive stuff all the time. My observation was based on several axis I see on my dash all the time. The Tina Fey discussion was one, but also the different people expressing opinions and getting shut down for doing so. And I find it very off putting because many of those opinions are based on lived experiences and representative of someone’s subjectivity and then third parties jump in and use that lived experience, which was presented as such (an “opinion”) as proof that the person is wrong and deserves to be silenced. When you know, the person never intended to be representative of anything but themselves.

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