My worst race related recurring microagression though

Inevitably goes like this: upon seeing my (distinctively Slavic) surname, people ask where I am from. I explain I was born in Argentina. That never satisfies the micro-agressor so he/she wants to know MORE! How come I have *that* surname but I am South American?! So, I patiently (although at this point knowing what’s coming) explain I am Hispanic on my mother’s side and Serbian from my father’s side.

And then this is what happens if I am in the company of my partner. Without fault. The micro-agressor looks at him and nonchalantly, usually laughing, asks “And you still married her?! I hope you don’t keep any weapons or sharp objects around the house! HAR HAR HAR”.

Yes, let’s have a laugh because never in the history of ever have I heard that racist joke before.

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