On appropriating “WASP Cache”

I find it amusing (read: rage inducing) how ignorant one can be about the effects of colonialism in this perceived “appropriation of WASP cache”. How can someone who is a tenured professor NOT know that the reason many colonized cultures seemingly “appropriate” these markers or WASPiness has a lot to do with how the colonizer “sold” the idea that these assets are valuable, desirable and a leg up to get ahead in life? I am not intimately familiar with Asian culture (obviously neither is Professor Feminism), but in certain areas of South America (after all, that IS something I am intimately familiar with), it is a marker of “distinction” to bear a “colonial” name.  However, I suppose for someone like him it is entirely easier to laugh at these “odd Asians” rather than unpack the role that his ancestors had in the contemporary construction of these racial identities.

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