politicalprof replied to your post: About the GOP proposal to investigate all miscarriages

It helps to remember that it won’t pass: it would cost far too much money, and require far too many government employees to enforce. Which isn’t a good reason. But it’s the actual one.

Oh I am aware that, most likely, it won’t pass. However, here’s what worries me: this constant stream of proposals to undermine women’s rights is dangerously resembling misogyny. And one might argue that, as a European resident, I shouldn’t concern myself too much with these issues. However, there is a ripple effect going on these days. The issues that enter the American public debate make it to my local political scene a few days later. Currently, I suspect inspired by his Tea Party allies, Geert Wilders has brought the issue of abortion back to the national agenda. There is a discussion going on to restrict it and modify our existing laws so that it is no longer as widely available as it currently is. And that’s why I pay so much attention to the bigger, more international picture, because it seems to color European politics much more than it used to.

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