PSA: Firefox updater seems to be broken: Version 1.1.17


Way too many little updates today.

I fixed an issue with how the new widescreen display feature handles the text boxes for post replies and answering askbox messages.

Missing e will update automatically, unless you are on Firefox.

Since Missing e has not yet been reviewed by Mozilla, Firefox users will have to manually update their add-on at this page.

If you are on Chrome and want to force Missing e to update, try the instructions on this site.

If you are on Safari and want to force Missing e to update, open the Extensions pane of Safari’s Preferences, and click the Updates button in the lower-left corner. You’ll get a list of all the extensions that have newer versions available. You can click an individual extension’s Update button or Update All to install all available updates.

Now, before anyone flares into panic: NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR COMPUTER! There is nothing malicious going on!

Only that the Firefox updater seems to be well… broken. Or, to be clear: it was broken for me (on Mac OS X 10.6.7 using Firefox 4.0.1). Once I updated the add-on, it just didn’t work anymore. I tried a number (at least 6) of installs and uninstalls and still, none of them worked. Simply put, when I upgraded to the new version, missing-e never came back to life.

Again, and because I have seen Tumblr panics (hello thousands of posts about phantom malware!), let me say this: NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR COMPUTER only that well, if you enjoyed using missing-e, you might find yourself without it. And yeah, that kinda sucks.

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