Real Housewives of Jesus Christ

You know, I was raised a Catholic through no choice of my own, but I was never part of the faith and I quickly abandoned all contact with it at first chance. However, had I found a group as feisty as this one, I might have remained part of the flock: Women’s Bible study ends with bloody nose and arrest

What witnesses say started out with Bible study took a strange turn before ending with the arrest of a 39-year-old Panama City Beach woman.

While there are two versions of what happened, deputies say that Hiedi Rhodes was nearly too drunk to tell her version, and that it was vague and didn’t match what the other three witnesses told them. That inconsistency, and the testimony of the other three women gathered for the Bible study, is likely what led to her arrest.

Deputies arrived to a call for help to find two women in a physical fight inside a home on Laureno Place, in the Laguna Beach area. After breaking up the fight, two deputies separated the women to hear both sides of the story. During what deputies describe as a “rambling” testimony, Rhodes said that the other woman had attacked her because she’d called her boyfriend earlier, and told him that his dog was roaming the neighborhood. The other version of the story does not paint Rhodes as the victim, but rather as the aggressor.

According to that version of the story, Rhodes was sitting in the living room of the home with three other women after Bible study when she pulled out a marijuana cigarette and started to light it. The resident told Rhodes not to smoke in her home, and that she should leave. The witnesses say that sparked an argument, and Rhodes hit the other woman in the face.

I do not recall anywhere in the Gospels stating “and you shall drink and smoke your joints and be merry” though. Probably they should get on the case STAT and update the scriptures accordingly.

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