rixatrix replied to your audio post: Sometimes I read “stuff” and I realize I need a…

Comparisons to other countries aside, it’s interesting that Americans spend proportionally less money on food now than 60 years ago. In a flailing economy, shouldn’t we be spending a higher *percentage* of our income on food? What are we missing?

First, I assume expenses. As in, cost of living has gone up (rent, student loans for those who have them, general expenses, etc.). All the while salaries have not increased at the same pace. Poverty has also gone up and there are more and more people barely making ends meet.

Of those who do have more money, I can venture one possibility for the cuts in food budget, at least based on what I see here in Europe: consumerism has made it so that many people place a higher value on non food items in detriment of eating. I mean, faced with the decision between cutting entertainment and food, many will reduce their food budget and allow for some form of leisure. After all, we do not live just to eat and work.

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