Snow in Amsterdam!


 redlightpolitics replied to your post: SNOW!

YES! It’s been snowing for like two hours in my neck of the woods (Amsterdam West)! I cannot express how happy I am!!

Jealous. We got a couple of flakes and then it stopped again. We’re too close to the sea, I guess. Meh. 

I love to watch the snow when I don’t have to be/go anywhere. Not so much when I have to move around, especially since I left my snow boots at my parents’ last year and I haven’t found them yet. Leaving my snow boots then was funny. I figured since I was done with Boston and New York and such, I wouldn’t be seeing any more snow. And then I went back to school and this happened:

Such beautiful photos! In a couple of hours I am planning to go to the Jordaan (the canal area of Amsterdam, for those who don’t know the city). Few things make me happier than seeing snow in the canals. Also, I live 100 meters away from Rembrandtpark (it’s a huge park, at least as big as the Vondelpark) so I am taking the dog to frolic in the snow for a while. Yay, my favorite time of the year has arrived!

Incidentally, I am also looking forward to this. I know German cities have a reputation for being the most beautiful during Christmas (and I love the Christmas markets, I’ve been to a number of them throughout the years), but Amsterdam is really special during Christmas, with the canals lit and decorated, sometimes even frozen. I could live in this weather all year round.

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