So, I’ve been thinking about equality quite some these days. At least, gender equality and what the term has been made to be in contemporary discussions about gender, immigrants and the rights of all minorities. Yeah, I know, too many intersections and variables that certainly do not lead to an easy answer. However, I did come across one point where all these variables seem to intersect: capitalism. The discussion has been hijacked by market forces. To be equal in today’s world means to participate in market transactions. We even frame the discussions in ways that highlight the necessity for market insertion: immigrants should have the right to work, women should have access to corporate boards, the glass ceiling, etc. It’s all about the “right to produce in a capitalist society”. Even the current attacks on reproductive rights seem to be shaped by “productive rights”: budgets, expenditures, “free” or “paid” contraception, etc.

Marxist theory! Capitalism! Equality! Middle Class aspirations! And more! Go read my musings on equality at Tiger Beatdown. You know you want to disagree with my analysis of the failures of contemporary Western Feminism….

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