This is what happens when you uncritically present an article from someone saying “Educate me!”. You are typing from a computer with internet access and …
Everyone is pointing at the late abortion article on Jezebel today (more specifically, the comments in said article), but I cannot really look at that. …
If an EIC gives carte blanche to trivialize racism, ableism and homophobia, the next natural progression is to trivialize mental health issues. Really, it’s in …
pileofmonkeys: (collection suggested by andothercuriosities) Casual Red-cism: It’s that red that everyone just uses because it’s there and convenient, even though it’s really ugly and …
andothercuriosities: fucknojezebel: Sluts aren’t people, they’re just cautionary tales. I regret that I wasn’t a bigger cautionary tale in my teens! You know, if I …
starhen: It will actually be a collection of “earnest” and “articulate” pieces written pseudonymously, bravely challenging the stifling feminist orthodoxy which has come to dominate …