Can we pray for the re-election of George Bush? Sean Hannity (via reallyfoxnews) Sometimes God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. Did I just quote a …
On Pamela Geller and her allies: How a Lunatic, Racist Blogger Is Fanning Hate against Muslims
On Pamela Geller and her allies: How a Lunatic, Racist Blogger Is Fanning Hate against Muslims Pamela Geller only came on my radar a few …
Prestigious award and Bill O’Reilly in the same sentence? Wait, what?!
How the Fox-Comcast Machine Crushed a Journalist Who Spoke Out Against Bill O’Reilly It was a balmy Saturday––a perfect night for champagne toasts. Some 450 …
Ay Jesusito mio, now in technicolor, and Dutch
Dutch Fundamentalist Christian party takes ban on women to Europe Fundamentalist Christian party SGP is to ask the European court of human rights to uphold …