that fb thread, is… i cant even. i just finished writing a piece on it and have serious second thoughts about even letting it run, solely based on the fact having faith in an organization that is showing a MAJOR lack of everything right now.

Looking at the thread you know what also disappointed me? That the people who are behind the photo, the organizers of Slut Walk New York (or at least, the part of the organization that manages their facebook presence) did not moderate that thread.

Look, I am one of five moderators at Tiger Beatdown (all of us editors are) and some of our posts can gather hundreds of comments. Some are incendiary, some are derailing. It is our responsibility to not allow those! If you take such a responsibility to manage a public space where people post commentary, it entails not allowing certain offensive stuff to dictate the whole conversation! If people take over a thread and disrupt it by disrespecting those who are expressing an important point of view, your job, your primary task is to make that space safe for such people.

What I find hypocritical is that this lack of moderation and care comes from an organization that claims to want to create safety for women in public spaces. One has to ask the obligatory questions here: what kind of safety and for which women?

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