This is a piece of three dimensional candy that you can literally taste with your eyes. I have washed my clothes several times since this experience and they are still crispy. The only thing i don’t understand is “why can’t I see anything else?”. Please listen to me. That face, it’s all I see. I close my eyes and he is there. I dream and every character in my dream is him. I’m getting used to it but driving is still hard. Also, sometimes I put a nail into a bowl of water to make the tones descend to a place where I stop tasting blood. If I ever get out of here I am going to melt down my wax fingers and stop pointing at the sky without having something where the river is electric and another when the time says it is supposed to be.

A review at IMDB of Justin Bieber: Never Say Never

Who’d know? Cheaper than drugs, same hallucinatory experience.

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