to clarify in your post about white house down are you saying pacific rim is filled with propaganda or isn’t?

I meant that it isn’t filled with propaganda (which I contend is one of the reasons it wasn’t a bigger success). However, let me tell you one thing about Pacific Rim: I have ZERO objectivity when it’s about this movie. It’s one of my favorite films in a very long time. 

See, growing up, I was a pretty sick child. I spent long periods in bed, or at least, indoors, unable to move much. My parents, bless them, let me watch as much TV or movies as I wanted and read whichever books I wanted (within budget limits). That means that by the time I hit 9 or 10, I was a huge sci-fi fan already, with a deep love of kaiju movies. Queue in 30 years later and here comes Pacific Rim, featuring some of my all time favorite things: kaijus, mechas, Idris Elba, Ron Perlman in a Hellboy-esque character (I don’t care that I am an old, I wear a Hellboy t-shirt while running errands, regularly) Guillermo del Toro,  Alejandro González Iñárritu and Alfonso Cuarón (not sure if they are credited but both helped edit the film, adding their own vision to it). 

So, Pacific Rim is the one movie I cannot offer much analysis about, except to say OMG LOVE IT SO MUCH.

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