[Trigger Warning: Sexisim, racism, and telling someone to ‘go kill themselves’]

Hey, STFUConservatives, Redlightpolitics, advocating censorship is a very feminazi thing of you to do; you’re both pathetic scum. Not only that, but you’re also idiots too stupid to see how easily a right-winger could use your argument against you; right-wingers can just as easily make a case to Tumblr that it is promoting left-wing extremists practicing Hate Politics. And you want to complain that he’s “undermining your rights” while you’re trying to undermine his First Amendment right? Really, cunts? Finally, for the record, MOST people on BOTH SIDES of the political aisle reject your racist, sexist notion of privilege; it’s only left-wing fringe radicals like you trash who buy into that nonsense. Do the world a favor: Go kill yourselves you feminazi twats. — Ryking

Alexander Ryking

  (via stfuconservatives)

Dear dumb fuck ryking;

People on the left are aware of privilege. People on the right, consistently deny it.

Feminism is not equal to a genocide, and you should kindly check your fucking privilege before you start talking shit about people who ACTUALLY DID FUCKING DIE IN THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST YOU IGNORANT TWIT.

Now, kindly go fuck yourself, stfu, and gtfo.

The end.

(via stfuhypocrisy)

There’s a difference between feminism and feminazism, and you’ve just proven which camp you’re in. Sieg Heil, cunt! You should take your own advice and STFU you racist, sexist hypocrite. And no, not all people on the Left believe in privilege. I’m living proof. — Ryking

(via ryking)

So I don’t think this guy knows what racism and sexism are

(via angrybees)

You summed up your entire worth in that last sentence.

Go kill yourselves you feminazi twats.

Ryking, you are an arrogant fool that is so deeply seeped into the cultural rot designed to maim independent thought, souls and bodies and subsequently destroy even the ones working for it. You do not win anything by lowering yourself to hate speech. The First Amendment does not protect hate speech. It doesn’t protect slander or libel either so if you or any other public official has yet to take that basic law class or grasp that concept that you have no business speaking about things you don’t understand. Otherwise, that’s a little something we call bullshit.

Furthermore, about that last line, you’ve finally degraded yourself into nothing more than troll scum. Granted, you’re still human but one who thinks he’s somehow superior to everyone else around him. You have no fucking right to tell someone to go kill themselves. And what if they actually did? What if someone actually took you serious. What would you accomplish? What do you win when someone looses everything? In a world ruled by chaos and violence and suffocating in the stench of apathy that even you have helped to pollute, what do you gain by presenting a message filled with slurs and enough hate that wishes for another person to take their own life? You don’t win shit.

Fuck you.



(via thecuntmentality)

This was back in June. As we can see, he hasn’t changed one bit. And some sycophants want to tell me that he is the “most egalitarian” person. Yeah, as long as you are not someone he labels “feminazi cunt” who should “kill herself”. And “scum”. Because that’s what I am according to him.

Btw, his reference to “racist notions of privilege” is because he believes that White privilege does not exist. So those of us who speak against it are labeled “racists against Whites”.

It was after he wrote this that Tumblr made him an editor.

You know, violence is rewarded.

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