




Email support@tumblr.com and ask that the Politics editor who promoted this garbage to the Politics page (Hipster Libertarian) be removed from her post. Right-wing trolling of the POTUS by libertarian trash does not represent the “best that Tumblr has to offer,” which is what editors are told to look for by Tumblr.

Frankly, all of the right-wing Politics editors (LA Liberty, Jeff Miller, Hipster Libertarian, Alex Holzbach) need to be removed and replaced with new ones; this current crop lacks diversity, seldom perform their job, but play favorites when they do with the same two or three right-wing trolls none of whom have anything insightful to say.

I think this kind of attitude is the best libertarians have to offer, especially the one on tumblr and especially the ridiculous mindlessness of “the hipster libertarian.”

Pretty ironic that suddenly Ryking thinks it’s ok to be “advocating censorship” and “undermining First Amendment rights” — when HE does it, at least.

^ I love how easily everyone has forgotten what a sexist sack of shit Ryking is.

When we say a right-winger is unqualified, it’s because we’re feminazi cunts, but when he does it, it’s a legitimate critcism and he just wants what’s best for Tumblr!!!!

Seeing how I was the other party at the receiving end of the “feminazi cunt who should kill herself” (at the link posted by Ultraprism, the infamous details of what transpired), I find this hilarious.

When I was complaining because an anti choicer, woman hater was curating the politics tag for the entirety of Tumblr, I was told I deserved to die by the very same person who now wants to have the rights of another editor removed.

Also, to place Jeff Miller in the same league with Alex Holzbach is just insulting. Such comparisson bears absolutely no stand. I sometimes disagree with Jeff’s political ideas (moreover I’d be hard pressed to find one post of mine he promoted as an editor, so it’s not like I am defending him out of political kinship) but to claim he is in any way similar to a dedicated anti-woman troll like Holzbach is not only misguided but insidious. 

If, at least, this misogynist troll was consistent with his ideas…

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