uncdan replied to your link: Another day, another violent racist in UK public transport

I get depressed enough already. Just reading what you write about it makes me moreso without having to watch it.

I am sorry that what I write depresses you. I am sincerely saying this (pointing out because I know I am sometimes snarky/caustic/sarcastic; but it’s not the case here).

It depresses me as well. I would say quite profoundly. Still, the reason I insist on writing about this is because I am convinced that the alternative (ignoring what is happening around me) would have much more serious consequences. As I keep pointing out, people are dying because of hatred, on a daily basis and across a continent that prides itself on being funded over the values of Enlightenment, tolerance and reason. I don’t think we are hopeless, I think that this can still be fixed before we have to lament even more assaults and eventual deaths. However, for this to be fixed, we need to collectively acknowledge that there is a big problem. The way I see it, the only way to identify this problem and address it is through awareness. And as small and insignificant as my contribution might be, that’s why I write about these subjects. In the hopes that the awareness might contribute to a possible solution.

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