Unpopular Opinion RE: Fairly Legal

A few weeks ago, when they announced Fairly Legal, there was a considerable amount of negative buzz surrounding it. People rightfully criticized the poster (it was ugly and a stereotype fest). Many said they would never watch the show. Well, I’ve now watched the first four episodes and I have this to say: I’ve seen worse. Much, much worse.

Now, let me be clear on this, Fairly Legal will never change the history of television, neither is it an accurate portrayal of women in general or female lawyers in particular. But it is also nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be. The character of the step mother, in particular, with her struggles to be accepted as a peer by misogynists in her industry is, if not realistic, at least close to touching on the issues that many women face on a daily basis.

Sure, the entire thing is full of eye candy (from the clothes the characters wear, to their appearance, etc.) and it is not redeeming in artistic values, but it is certainly not the disaster I was expecting. And it is mildly entertaining, if not shallow. But again, I do not necessarily look for depth in all of my entertainment options.

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