via Global Telecoms Business, (a pretty unlikely place for this kind of data, I must admit), a great article and related table by Meryl Bushell, of women in executive positions at top Telco companies.

In her piece, Women lose at top because of reluctance to network, she says:

Why are there still so few senior women in telecoms? When I first entered the telecoms industry thirty years ago women in senior management roles were as rare as hen’s teeth.

While undeniably things have moved on in the intervening period, a quick search of the websites of a sample of 16 fixed and mobile operators revealed than an average of only 12% of the roles on their senior executive teams are held by women (see table above). The stars in terms of gender equality are Telstra, Telenor, Bharti Airtel, BT and KPN — which all have a quarter or more of their top executive posts held by women.

But, at the other end of the spectrum, Deutsche Telecom, Telefónica and Telus fall in the gender hall of shame with no female executives on their top teams.

Her advice about networking, while heavily focused on the telecom industry, is still great for women in any field.

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