Weekend splurge

Apropos of nothing but just because I feel awesome about it: I ordered new glasses at a great store nearby! Which sadly, because of Easter long weekend won’t be ready in another ten days or so. But still, NEW GLASSES! I wasn’t planning to do so this weekend, but they had long been in the plans. I wear permanent glasses and the ones I am currently wearing are more than ten years old. But the newer pair I had was wrecked because it was such bad quality and so flimsy that it couldn’t endure my 16+ hours of daily wear. So the new ones look amazing but they were entirely outside what I had planned to spend. This one time, I do not care for the excess. This model (in Havana color, which is a dark shade of caramel, almost black, although in the photo the frame appears to be lighter than it really is), in case anyone wishes to judge my aesthetic choices.

And then yesterday, I got tickets to see Fela! The original, Broadway and National Theater cast! And I am so, so excited because really… that musical looks kickass. Even though I’ve read critics say stuff like “That’s not how serious musicals/ theater should be! It’s too loud and too messy!”. Bitch, please. I actually studied playwrighting for years (and not as a hobby, you know, but as a real degree thing, gasp! at a school even!) and say what you will about how “serious” theater should be like, a lot of the critics seemed to be on the verge of whitesplaining what “real theater” is like. And these critics were horrified that the musical didn’t include the “seriously bad side” of Fela Kuti. Which I don’t recall them making the same point with Evita, and, given the fact that I am Argentinian and all, is nothing but a historical hot mess and a disastrous, blatant fictional representation of Argentinian history (maybe Evita did meet Che Guevara… in a parallel universe of sorts, because certainly it never happened in the same reality we all inhabit here on Planet Earth). I mean, maybe Fela! is bad, but many of the critics attacked it on the basis that it wasn’t realistic (!! a musical not realistic?! You don’t say!), there were “shirtless black men acting too sexual” and the music was way too loud. So anyway, I am going to see it by the end of June. And that makes me ass shakingly happy in anticipation.

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