What we know about defendants in racist and religiously motivated crimes is that the majority are men (83.4%). Most defendants were White British (73.4%) and the majority were aged between 25-59 accounting for 51.3% and a further 28.8% were aged between 18-24. Of interest is the fact that the proportion of both 10-13 year olds and 14-17 year olds involved as defendants has declined from 2.6% and 20.2% respectively in 2007/08 to 1.7% and 14.9%. What we know about victims is that 58.3% were men and 26.2% were women. The number of victims with no identified gender at 15.5% represents a significant improvement since 2007/08 when it stood at 56.0%.

I am going through the newly released hate crime report in the UK (link goes to PDF)

The number of women victims of racist attacks in the UK is at 26.2%. The people whose gender was not included in the report (that does not mean they purposefully prefer not to be identified by gender, it’s that the people collecting the data did not include the gender) is at 15.5%. Let’s say half of those were women? (cis or non cis, either trans* or gender queer or gender variant). 

And then I sometimes have to hear that racism should not be of utmost concern within feminism?


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