You say baiting, I say biting

An anonymous left me a tip a moment ago to some inflammatory, deeply misogynistic, anti feminist post on some irrelevant and small Tumblr. The Anon in question also asked for my help to debunk that garbage. Here is the thing: I won’t.

And I’ll tell you why: if I link to that rudimentary, badly written nonsense, I’ll be giving the person in question page hits, which is what he says he wants by the end of his drivel (he asks that someone submits that particular post to one of the “popular feminist blogs”). Well, someone did (I contend I am somehow popular in the feminist/ political space, although there are others more popular, but that’s neither here nor there). Still, I do not engage with trolls whose only purpose is to bait an emotional response from me. I make fun of those who are actually comical in their unsophisticated discourse, with a poor understanding of the world around them. I insist: I only make fun of them. Because they are so far off gone that any attempt at reasoning is going to be futile. One can only debate with those who are actually willing to listen and revise their opinions. Sometimes these debates end up changing both parties for the better (by providing a mutual understanding of each other’s position).

However, when someone wishes “feminists” (yes, as an entire class of people) to get venereal diseases so that the writer can prove a point about their promiscuity, I have nothing to argue. It’s such an obvious bait that any engagement on my side is going to end in frustration for me and exposure for the troll, which is what he wants.

He baits. But I don’t bite. Even though I am a bitch, I don’t play with immature manchildren.

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