You shall accept him as your Master!

Daleks unable to foil wedding. From the news:

SOMETHING BLUE: Lisa Strickland and Rob Wilson are married by Charles Finn, left, at their Doctor Who-themed wedding yesterday.

A time-travelling telephone box and mutant cyborgs bent on extermination were part of a Canterbury couple’s Doctor Who wedding day.

Sci-fi buffs Rob Wilson and Lisa Strickland tied the knot yesterday at their Rolleston home in front of close family and friends – and a replica of the Tardis from the television series about a time-travelling doctor.

There was even an appearance by the show’s most enduring villains – the evil Daleks whose catch-cry is “exterminate”.

But their dastardly plot to rule the world was momentarily foiled when the radio-controlled Dalek ring-bearer broke down halfway up the aisle.

You know, I have an old life goal: one day, I am going to renew my wedding vows in an Elvis themed chapel in Vegas wearing a red polyester wedding dress. Actually, these were my original wedding plans, which we put aside due to families’ outcries. However, I would be willing to re-evaluate my wedding renewal plans if I could get a bunch of daleks to walk me down the aisle.

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