Young American Woman goes to Sweden, discovers gender related cultural differences, writes about it

And yet another tale of awkward gender related discoveries, this time courtesy of a 22 year old American woman who traveled to Sweden and now misses chivalry and other gender specific gestures. I guess we should have a new genre for this type of memoir and then we could do a panel discussion where she and Edward Pasteck (of “consent is different in France and women cannot be raped” fame) can elaborate on the depth of their cultural forays.

You know, stuff like this:

Sweden is well-known for being a very gender-equal society – smaller wage gap between the genders than in the US, paternity leave, etc.
Most of this chivalrous nonsense is also nonexistent.  Great, exactly what I wanted, right? Except that it’s incredibly annoying.

When a guy at a nation or a club says, “do you want a drink?” the conventional wisdom is that Swedish guys never pay – actually, they do, but only about 25% of the time in my experience. But every time a guy DOESN’T offer to pay, my gut reaction is, “What’s this guy’s problem!?”

Guys here only very rarely come up to a girl and start a conversation.  That’s fine in theory, as I actually love being the conversation-starter, and nothing is creepier than the “I can’t let a pretty girl stand in a club on her own” pickup line American guys sometimes use. Yet I feel ignored and unpopular when I realize that if I DON’T start a conversation, I will just sit there alone.

More nonsense at the link, if you can stomach it. And take the time to predict how long it will take for the Assange apologists to offer commentary about this piece because it surely must be evidence of something.

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